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Did I Find What I Was Looking For?? 🤔

by Sanela K. May 15, 2022

My dearest Leviticus Fashions boot loving community!!! I missed you so much! 🥰 Like one of my friends would say: "something is always happening in your life" 😅

Even I don't have that impression very often, if we think better, it's really true. I thought I would have a few crazy weeks, but that turned into few crazy months! 😅 I have to tell you about my new job, experiences, people, impressions, changes.... oh, so much to tell and very little time.. I am a busy woman. 😅 and I have few more kilograms again! 🙄

Well, let's start with that new office job.

First week went really good. I mean, I was under pressure, but only pressure I put on myself! Not anyone else! Just like always, Little Miss Famous is the problem No.1. 😅 There was all that new stuff I had to learn, but luckily there is still some inrelligence left in me! 😆 The most important thing for me is to have nice people around me and I got that. Thank God! He is really good all the time! He hears all our silent prayers!

I survived that first week at work with a lot of mixed up information. Then came the weekend. And my organism went crazy! Of course it did!!!! That was to be expected. That was awful. When adrenaline sinks, some other crazy hormones or whatever go crazy. So, I really suffered strong attacks and panic. I am happy, I wasn't alone. I have a new nice neighbor and one of my mother's friend who just moved to Graz and they stayed with me. It was easier with the right people. And also my Mr. Perfect came to help. (I know you are crazy to find out more details about him 😝 but just like all real stars I am keeping my Mr. Perfect far away from the eyes of the public. 🤭😝😅😅😅 clever, right? 😄 Anyhow, I am so thankful for the right people in my life!

And this job! After the second week, I felt way more relaxed and this weekend was just normal and usual! No attacks! Like all people who know me well (including my therapist) would say: "I am not good at dealing with changes!" It's hard to admit, but it is what it is. Probably it was way easier when I was younger and a bit more stupid than now. 😝 Well, I want to say, when you are younger you just jump on your head without thinking what's gonna happen. And when you are in "my age", you just wanna stay on your feet. It's a true story, people. I am sure many of you recognized yourselves in this sentence. Last weekend, actually Sunday was also my 28th birthday. No celebration, not anything. Just Little Miss Famous in a hug of her Mr. Perfect. and it was perfect. Except attacks of course.

I still didn't unpack the royalty - my Leviticus Fashions boots. I carefully packed them into safe boxes before I moved into the apartment downstairs. Well, I also didn't sort my underwear, so you know how drained and busy I was. 😑 I have a neighbor next door with no job, but she is telling me how she is busy, busy, busy all the time. 😆 I just don't get what is she doing. 😆 She is good but one of those people who are "looking for a job" but praying not to find one. 😅 I was like, okay maam, there are so many things I would do with YOUR "busy" time. 😅 only time I see her "busy" is when I sleep and she is talking like a dispatcher on a radio with no pause at 6 AM when all normal people sleep or are going to work. 😅

But we all whisper outside in the middle of the day because her husband is sleeping after nightshift. 🙄 whaaaaatever!!!! She is busy and I have the impression that the day isn't long enough for me. 😅

Now, about some fashion things! I am sure you already knew I was the most fashionable person at the office where there are about 15 people. 😄 I swear! 🤚 Austrians are more casual people and I am "lady like" 🤣 but they are just nice to me and like to see me that fashionable. 😊 Imagine when I come to work in my Leviticus Fashions boots to the office. But I think now we need some "summer version" of Leviticus Fashions boots. Right??? My co-worker said more than once: "you are every day in other shoes" - and I was thinking: oh, if you would only know! 😆😅🤣 but, let's save that shock for the time when my contract will be (hopefully) for unlimited time. 😂

For now, I still have to be careful. At least a bit. 😂

And, this job kinda solved my "sleeping problems". Now, I am going to bed early like a chicken. 🐔🐥 Little Famous Cute Chicken. I hope I found what I was looking for. I am really satisfied for now. And thankful!!! 😊

I'll keep you posted. 😘

For now, here are some summer boots by Leviticus Fashions that would be great for my time in the Austrian summer!

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