Don't smell cheesy, but say "cheeseeeeee" 📸
by Sanela K. Dec. 15, 2020
"Once I had a dream. And this is it."
- Nightwish (Dark Chest Of Wonders)
Weeeeelcoooooome back to my blooooog!!!!! 😘
First I wanna say: THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! ❤
I read many nice comments on the youtube channel under my videos.
Thank you for loving me being LAME!!! It means so much to me!! - I am serious! It does! ❤
I have decided to start this blog with a beginning of a Nightwish's song "Dark Chest Of Wonders" because I really once had a dream - and this is it!!! 😍
Well, to be honest I also had many nightmares...let's be happy they didn't come true 😅
All monsters are just waiting under my bed. But like Rihanna said: I am friends with the monster that's under my bed. (Well, I am sure she is friends with many monsters 🤐)!
Like you may be wondering, today was "the day"!!! 📸
My boots (read my children or catch up with the story, if this is your first reading!!) finally saw the daily light and FLASHES! ⚡
For many days I was planning a photo shoot with my friend photographer. And we were sooo picky about the day and weather conditions and guess what???? We had the worse weather of this week 😂😂😂😂
I was even almost sick when I woke up!
Today I realized how it is for the "real models". Get yourself together, put make up on in order to not make your "viewers" puke, and do that job of looking good!
I woke up in terrible state! I am soooo tired. Like I was doing hard labor all day yesterday! 👩🌾
I had to make a serious transformation: To make a princess of a frog. And that's all without any kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙄
I thought, oh Dear God, I am not gonna survive this! But I forgot all all of that when I saw my friend waiting for me with her camera! Flashes, wait for me!!! Here I am!!! ⚡📸
We found a nice location and made hundreds of photos! It was SO fun! We totally enjoyed it!!!! I loved it! I didn't even feel tired anymore. Just a bit ugly for a few moments 😂 but then I remembered, THE BOOTS ARE THE STARS! It doesn't matter that my eyes are crying because of the weather (not love), and my hairstyle isn't the best today. Like I made my hair using explosives! 😂
Well, like I said, it's gonna be full of fire and flames. I am not responsible for what you understood about that! 😅
Lately, I paid attention (because that's one of the rare stuff I can pay 😂) to people's reactions when I am wearing my boots and I noticed that mostly MEN are looking at my boots. 😲
I was already thinking what is wrong here, so that tram drivers are looking at me on the street while they drive, some men in a tram, men on the tram station, men in the store.... MEN. But then LeviTicus Fashions told me that a percentage of their buyers are men who are looking for perfect boots for their better halves! Oh, okay, it was relieving! Puh!
And women are playing "cool" 😂 but, I am sure, under their protection masks they are dying of jealousy!!! 😅😅😅😅
Women from my client's family were more excited and gave more reactions, like: oh, wooooow 😲
Such high heels on those boots! So expensive! Soooo long! How you are gonna walk in them, can you do that?!?!?!?
- You are looking at the boss of walking in high heels! When I was born, first high heels were waiting on the table when I finally arrived! 😎👠👢
I can remember 10 years old me asking my mom to buy me very modern boots in winter season 2004! Those boots were made for "adult girls" 😂😂😂😂
Those boots were white and for our time now, very "gypsy style", but back then they were modern - TRUST ME! 😂😂😂
I got them.... and as a village girl was fighting muck and other dirty stuff on the street making my white boots............... much less white 😂😂😂 I am so sad that I have no pictures to show you of those "pieces of art", but when I think better, you would never believe me again that I have a good taste if you would see them! So, let's not risk that and let's put "dirty laundry" back into it's black hole! Speaking of black holes, that reminds of austrian postal service 😂😂😂
I hope you are gonna enjoy these photos! We put much work, fun and love into making them, and you are gonna see beauty (in boots, not necessarily in me) like I see it!
God bless you all! 🌹❤

Leviticus Fashions YouTube channel (where I post my videos!)