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Ottoman Empire or Boot Empire? 🤔

by Sanela K. March 15, 2021

It's March 2021 and outside is such nice CHRISTMAS WEATHER! 🙊 It's snowing! ❄

The weather has been so moody these days! Just like me or even worse! Till today we had 1 hour of sun and right after that 1 hour of snow and so on for 10-12 hours! But today the weather has decided to stay loyal to it's one "mood" = Snow mood. ⛄

I was expecting myself to wear colorful dresses in March, but instead I am in my winter coat. Well, me and my expectations. 🙄

Last night I had a very funny dream I have to share with you (because you are my only friends). 😆

It has been a while since I watched the turkish history series about the most powerful Sultana. Yes, Sultana, not Sultan. 👸 Because the Ottoman Empire had an era called "Sultana of women" where the mothers or wives of a Sultan had even more power then he did. One of them was Kösem Sultana. (No, this is not a turkish history class, you just have to know this to be able to understand my dream).

Well, that Kösem Sultana had a son who was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, called Murad. While watching that turkish series, I totally liked the main actor, who played the main role of Sultan Murad. He was soooooo pretty! 😍😍😍😍😍 Like I said, it has been a while since I watched it, but somehow last night in my dream, I was one of his concubines in his Harem! 🙊🙈 And in my dream he told me: "look, I know you are on a diet, but it's not giving you much results. I think you really look nice, but you should watch your weight. If you get some more weight I won't like you anymore." 😆😆😆😆

And I felt that his mother (Kösem Sultana) doesn't like me and she was hoping I am gonna gain some more weight!


People, I WAS ONE OF THE CONCUBINES IN A HAREM!!!!! 😆😆😆😆🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈

Even I don't believe I had such a dream. Even though I am dreaming every night and mostly those are funny or scary dreams. This one is one of the top dreams I have ever had! One of the funniest! Like, "let's lose some weight, his majesty won't like me otherwise!"

Oh, I was also wearing a dress in that old time "ottoman style". Well, I don't think there were any boots around back then, because the poor souls didn't know about Leviticus Fashions.

I think I would have been the most stylish Ottoman Sultana. (If you are a concubine and you give a birth to a male child - you become a Sultana).

I think I also had kids with him. But they weren't in my "main dream scenario". 😆 Oh, it is probably because of those kids I had to lose that extra pregnancy weight. 😆 That is it! Yes, let us stick to that logic!

Oh, hilarious! I am still laughing! Well, I cannot remember how the dream finished, but I hope I ruled the world with Sultan Murad as the best Sultana ever in the best Leviticus Fashions thigh boots ever! 😜

BUT WAIT! While I am wearing my Leviticus Fashions thigh boots, I already feel like I rule the world, so I don't really need any Sultan.... just my boots! I think that was the main problem of women in the Ottoman Empire!!!! They needed Leviticus Fashions boots and not a Sultan! Oh, this is a great historical discovery now by me! 😆 I think I may get an honorary history doctorate from some university for this discovery!!!

And also, instead of an Ottoman Empire I could build my own Boot Empire!!!! And rule it!

Since I just watched 2 horror movies, I think it's better I don't sleep for the next 10 days or.............. oh, what did I just do to myself! 🙈

My brain is so creative when it's supposed to be asleep! 🙈

Let's hope I am just gonna dream about ruling the world with that pretty turkish actor! Maybe I should stare at his picture before sleeping!? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Yep! Sounds like a perfect plan! Let me go and put on my Leviticus Fashions thigh boots so I can fall asleep in great Sultana-style! Till then, your little Sultana is sending you greetings from her Boot Empire! 😎

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