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Trapped in my boots 😅

by Sanela K. Dec 20, 2020


"People talking without speaking.

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never share........

And no one dared

Disturb the sound of silence."

Sound of Silence (Disturbed)

I have no idea who are "Disturbed", but I hope they are doing fine. If not, there is medication for this problem. 😎

Hi everyone!

It was my last day at my client's home and I was preparing myself to start my "Sanela Christmas Edition" with my first video! 🌲

I had some topics on my mind that I wanted to talk about while wearing my 5euro Christmas sweater and sage green thigh boots.

(Who said you cannot combine such expensive chic boots with such a cheap sweater???????? 😂 well, these boots are probably worth more than all of the clothing and shoes I have added together, so, I didn't have much choice anyway 😅).

So I took a shower (yes, we European people also shower 😅), washed my hair, dressed up and waited in that comfy red chair for my hair to get a bit more dry. (No, I didn't pack my hair dryer 🙄).

And while waiting, I thought, my client is gonna fall asleep and I will be able to do that video without waking her up. If she would hear me while she is in bed and still not asleep, she would be thinking something is happening and she should come out.

But, as it always happens, she "has decided" to walk around 🙈 every 15 minutes 🙈🙈🙈🙈

And the video plan totally fell apart 😂😂

Or not??!!!!

I was just sitting there in that chair all dressed up and pretending to be dead 😂

Because you cannot disturb someone who is old, sleepy and very confused during the night. Well, I totally played dead and was trapped in that chair (well, no complains, it's really a comfortable and relaxing chair 😂) and trapped in MY BOOTS! 😂😂

If I have had stood up, I would make noise and scare her 🙈 so I stayed totally still almost lying in that chair 😂😂😂😂

I was sure I would manage to do that video I planned, but every time I thought: okay 15 more minutes without moving and she is gonna be in a deep sleep - she stood up 🙈

So, following my old rule: if life gives you lemons, make some lemonade, I came up with the idea to show you guys how it really looked like to be there..... silent.......quiet.......dead 😜.....trapped in this chair in MY BOOTS!

Do you know how difficult is is to be silent when you have so much to tell????

Especially for a person like me?????? 🙄

No, you cannot imagine that 😭😭😭😭😭

I felt like my body is going to squeeze me😂 (body, not lemons this time 😅😅😅🍋 and not in anyone's eyes 👀 because, someone could get mad because I wanna squeeze the lemons in his 👀 or he might love me even more 😜. If you don't get this, it means you didn't catch up with the story, so go back and read my earlier blog posts😜)!

And here is the video of just me suffering and wanting to explode and release a bunch of words into my camera 😆 But I might disturb my old lady client!

SO there was only.... the sound of silence!

see more of my videos at Leviticus Fashions YouTube channel:


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