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Volcano Woman 😜

by Sanela K. Sept. 16, 2021

Normally when I hear "Volcano" I think of very spicy pizza 🍕😆

Well, what else would I think of other than food? 😂

Since I am recovering from my influenza, I had to visit my doctor, and somehow on the way there, I got the idea of going to my hairstylist to dye my hair. In red. Of course. I love red. Red loves me. 🤣 Luckily they had an empty salon today so I was totally welcome!

I just got sick of walking around with some faded color on my head. 😂 Now I am a real fire&flames woman, Volcano woman! 😆

My hair stylist is always doing a great job with my hair! I even had a feeling people are staring at me and admiring my hair color. 😅 It probably was just a subjective feeling but it was good anyway! I just kinda didn't want to go home right afterwards, but I was tired. I had need to show myself and my new hair style. But, it was too cold and I am still screwed by my influenza and it was a really clever decision to go home and drink some tea. 🙄 I hate tea. I cannot remember the last time when I drank so much tea. 🙄 I have to be really sick to make myself a tea.

Today is my 2nd day off and tomorrow I have to be at work again. Which is okay. I just hope I am gonna get enough sleep, 😂 since I kinda passed out when I came home this afternoon. 😆 It's not that I am being lazy but this virus kinda kicked me hard.

I also recieved a package with my vintage jewelry 😍 Now I have so much that I have no idea what to wear first! Can you remember the time I said I would like to make jewelry by myself? - let's all laugh together! 😅😅😅

The boot season is about to begin. Recently my co-worker saw my photos and she said how beautiful the boots are, but she cannot wear high heels because, yea, she has pain. And she asked me, okay but where are you supposed to wear these extra long boots with high heels?? Hm... guess what was my answer! Like I am always telling people!!!! EVERYWHERE!!!! There is no such thing as waiting for the right occasion or oportunity. It's now and it's everywhere! And I am not talking only about the boots, but fashion and style in general. We kinda like to wait for something. Wait for better days, wait for the better job, wait for the perfect partner, wait to finish this and that.... and when do we actually live?? When do we actually enjoy life? We are here for a such a short time! But we are still waiting for something to happen! Not clever of us at all.

Oh, I also got myself help for my panic attacks! I mean, in the form of therapy. I was so lucky. I found a great lady therapist. I had no idea what was waiting there for me or how therapy even works. Well, she convinced me that it can help, without even saying it. She was just doing her job and already in the first 5 minutes she found the source of my problems. I thought I knew the source, but actually I knew only when it started and not the real reason why. She totally won my trust and it was kinda emotional for me, since I had to talk about stuff I have never, ever talked about. Or at least, never that deep. I felt how that Volcano of emotions and panic attacks are overwelming me while talking about some stuff. It's a sign. Now I realized, it wasn't the problem to know when it started (after what??)..... but why and I have never given any thoughts about that or just shallow ones, since I just wanted to forget it all. She also made me think about some other stuff that would never even cross my mind and to conclude that actually it wasn't only about me. There was nothing wrong with me. I just had to see the truth and accept that truth no matter how aweful it was. My way of thinking was always: yes, I went through this. I had to, and now it is over. Well, it is not over and I never even realized how bad some stuff used to be and what did it had actually done to me.

After I left her session, I felt kinda relieved and happy because I saw the progress and I thought, it's like: I have to "hurt" myself with this one more time in order to let it go. It's time for all of this to find it's way out of my body and not through panic attacks, but through acceptance and a lot of hard emotional work on it. Now when I am so blessed in life, with health, living parents, job, a nice place to live and Leviticus Fashions BOOTS!!!! (never forget the importance of great boots in any woman's life), it's time to enjoy life. It's time to get over these bad experiences from the past. Because I am not that little girl anymore. I am a woman now. And what a woman! 😜 Volcano Woman!

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