You Have to be a Grown Up to Wear High Heels ? 🤔
by Sanela K. Jan. 11, 2021
"Every woman in the world is maybe gonna give you her man, but never her shoes."
Quote by Sanela K. 😉
Loooook at me, I started to write my own quotes. 😲
Well, after this quote, maybe it's time for us all to get worried. 😆
Or maybe it was already time a few blogs ago?
Or at the beginning of the blog??
Or it has always been time to be worried about my ideas?????? 🤔🤔🤔
I am confused!
The older people were always telling me I am gonna understand life better when I grow up......
So, to younger generations: no worries, older people also have no clue. And no, it won't be better when you grow up. Stay young!!!!! Stay kids!!! Or at least be forever 19 years old like me 😂😂
No, just a joke, don't be like me. 😆
You are gonna be sooooooo misunderstood!
I don't mind being misunderstood, but maybe you would prefer not to be. 🤷♀️
So, except for my taste in shoes - there is no reason to want to be me 😂😂😂😂
Well there is always my Instagram. 😜
Anyhow!!!! My week, since I came back to Austria (my beloved home. even though I cannot forgive them for their lousy postal service), was soooo busy!
I am still hunting for that "perfect apartment". 🙄
And I am kinda getting tired of "running" all over God's creation. We all know I am not sporty or athletic. 🙄🙄
I am everyday going somewhere during my breaks! And every day I am exhausted by day's end. And every day I am more stressed about WHERE I AM GONNA LIVE???????
Only my boots are here to comfort me. And Thank God for these BOOTS!
When the landlords ask for my salary and income, I simply show them my BOOTS 😂
Well, they must have been thinking: "if she is wearing expensive boots like these, she must be loaded with money!"
Thank you Leviticus Fashions for making me look wealthier than I am! 😆 AND I LOOK FREAKIN AWESOME in the process! 😍
So modest of me, right? 😂
I actually found an apartment I wanna move into finally.....but.... THERE IS ALWAYS a "BUT" (you know already that everything that happens to me is full of drama)!
But I am supposed to move in (read: to pay) by the beginning of February!
And guess what, I have to stay in my current apartment with heating problem and no warm water till MARCH!!!!!!!
Someone would say: sell the boots and pay both rents! - NEVER! ALL OF YOU "SOMEONES" ARE JUST CRAZY!!!!!!!! I will live in a box with these boots if I have to! I really don't know what is wrong with people's thinking these days!
Oh and this reminds me of I a story from my childhood my mother is always telling to people.
When I was in elementary school, I wanted to wear high heel boots 😆😆😆 Yes, I have been a boot loving woman since my birth!
Of course nobody was happy about my boot wishes, and it was totally inappropriate for a 12 year old girl to wear high heels. I was had the attitude: "either you buy me these boots or don't buy me anything!"
Little Miss Dangerous! 😂 Right?!
At the time, I did not understand that I needed to grow up first!
Well, you must be thinking how spoiled I was... well I wasn't soiled at all. And even though I am an only child, I grew up in a very modest family and was fighting life's circumstances (and I still do). I kinda grew up too early! Seriously! And I only acted this way about boots and shoes.....but especially for BOOTS. And I knew that I am not getting other pair of shoes for quite a while because my parents couldn't afford to get me such luxuries as a couple of pairs. For this reason, I wanted so badly to get those BOOTS because it would be my only chance of my life to get them for a long time.
Anyhow! Note to younger generations: DON'T BE SPOILED! Just wait for Santa Claus to bring you your boots. Miracle happens. Look at me now! 😉
I think I still didn't share a video of my first photo shoot day with you! I have no idea how I missed it!
Well, maybe I do have an idea! I was overwhelmed with my new photos and I wanted to share on every possible social network: me and MY BOOTS!!!! 😆😆😆😆
Little Miss Selfie 📸
Anyhow, I wanna share it with you now! It is now online at Leviticus Fashions YouTube channel (sorry for the poor quality but I need a new phone or camera or something the heck to make better videos for you all!) :
I hope you are gonna enjoy this short and poor version of my "behind the scenes" 😂😂😂
Love yaaaa!

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To purchase Leviticus Fashions boot designs go to :
To see more videos from me and Leviticus Fashions go to their YouTube channel :