Little Miss Fix It
by Sanela K. March 1, 2021
God writes the best stories, God gives the best inspiration for everything. God shows you the way. 😁
Once, years ago, my Godfather was talking metaphorically (I cannot remember what exactly) and he said: "Your God looks like you. For example, look at my wife, her God is a bit fat."
That just came into my mind because, well, I think my God is hilarious and funny and has a great sense of humor! He always places me into some unbelievably hilarious situations - probably so I have good stories to tell you (since I will die all alone and won't have any grandchildren to talk to about my crazy young days 😂).
So, when my God gives me an unpleasant situation - I first get angry - I then resolve it (SOMEHOW) and afterwards the experience is just hilarious!
Today is a perfect example! I moved into my new apartment 2 days ago. Today was my DECORATING DAY!!!!
I bought very FEW things to use as decorations! BECAUSE I AM POOOOOOOOR ! 😂
Some candles, some faux flowers 💐🌸💮🏵🌹🥀🌺🌻🌼🌷⚘(because real flowers would just die with me taking care of them), etc.
I made that old brown table a bit prettier! But I won't be satisfied until I finally paint it! 😏
And I will eventually get some more decorative stuff which I will try to buy a bit cheaper than I paid today or I will ask the Graz community if someone has anything extra to "give away" 😉
That idea came to my mind today when I was sending my clothes to some people in the balkan lands who cannot afford clothing for themselves. Then it came to my mind that there are also things that I cannot afford for myself 😂 Sharing is caring! 😊
Speaking of which! I also gave away my old boots. If you can remember my very first photo in boots before I got my Leviticus Fashion boots!?!?!?!??!
Well, I didn't give up on them so easily, but let's be honest, now when I have my Leviticus Fashions boots, we all know I am never gonna put on my old boots again! 🙈
So, just as my old boots made me happy, I hope they are gonna make some other boot loving girl very happy as well. 😊 Sharing is caring!!! ❤
And now, back to a new hilarious thing!
I BROKE MY BED!!!! 🛌😂😂😂😂😂
I BROKE MY BED!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!! 🙈
AND NO!!!!!! I wasn't doing any wild, dirty stuff on it. I know what you think! 😏 Get your imagination on deep cleaning!!! Right now! 😜
I was just watching my turkish history series. And BOOM. 😶
Something fell down, broke or whatever.
Suddenly there was a "hole" between 2 mattresses! 😲
How p***** off I was! 😳😠
My bed was broken! (It still is 😂).
Well, since it was nighttime here in Europe and as I have almost zero friends (wait, not almost, I really have zero friends) here to help me, I was all on my own. 🙄
So, I let myself be a bit "creative" and found an "instant solution" 😂.
Of course my solution was hilarious (see picture) and I had to make an Instagram story of my achievement!!! I should have been a freaking engineer! 😂

Yeah, yeah, right! This is structurally sound and also appealing to the eye! :)
Well, to normal people this would be only a temporary solution, but something tells me I am not one of those normal people! 😆😆 This is my bed's "new normal."
I am just lying now on my bed and I can tell it's already more comfortable then it was before it's armageddon😁😆
That's kinda a good metaphor of how I deal with adult life 😂
Well, if nothing, I hope I gave a repair tutorial to someone who has an emergency with a broken bed. 🤷♀️
But, be careful! Maybe I am gonna get a patent for this! 😆 You will be sued for stealing my intellectual property!
Now I am going to show you some unBROKEN furniture. At least for NOW it is unBROKEN. 😂
Remember to be careful, because maybe I am gonna apply for that patent! 😆
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To purchase Leviticus Fashions boot designs go to :
To watch videos of my Adventures in Thigh Boots on Leviticus Fashions YouTube channel go to :